I now have Venmo for your convenience!!!! I will send you my Venmo handle in your email statements. Please feel free to pay your tuition through Venmo or personal check made out to Dawn Riesing. The amount for Fall Term 1 is $260 for 30-minute lessons, $385 for 45-minute lessons, and $490 for 60-minute lessons.
New Option!
Explore Your Voice Package For adult students who have a short term goal or want to explore voice coaching. Includes coachings and support texts, email questions, and other tools for support. (recordings, etc...) Initial 45 Minute Session and 2 additional 30 Minute follow-up sessions $150 Initial 60 Minute Session and 2 additional 45 Minute follow-up sessions. $200
2024-2025 Lesson Term Schedule
FALL TERM 1 2024 September 3 - October 28 Tuition DUE September 3rd 8 week term *Please note there are no lessons on September 2, Labor Day. This lesson will be reschedule for the Monday of Thanksgiving week, November 25th FALL TERM 2 2024 October 29 - December 19 Tuition DUE October 28th 7 week term *Please note there are no lessons November 26-28 because of Thanksgiving WINTER TERM 2024 January 6 - February 20 Tuition DUE January 6th 7 week term SPRING TERM 1 2024 February 24 - April 17 Tuition DUE February 24th 7 week term *Please note there are no lessons March 24-March 28 because of Spring Break SPRING TERM 2 2024 April 21 - June 5 Tuition DUE April 21st 7 week term
Covid/Illness Policy: STAY HOME IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS! Because online lessons are always an option and assuming your symptoms are not severe, we can always do your lesson online if you are experiencing symptoms. Symptoms for Covid include: cough, shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, fever or chills, nausea, headache, fatigue, muscle or body aches, and sore throat. Please monitor yourself or your child for these symptoms and opt for an online lesson. Lessons: Voice lessons are once a week for the agreed upon timeframe. Lessons consist of vocal technique, music theory, ear training, sight reading, acting, performance practice, musicality and body awareness. Please choose a time that works well for your family and that you can commit to on a weekly basis. Student: The student is to arrive at the lesson punctually, well prepared and with all necessary materials (books, recording device, water bottle, etc...) The student must practice regularly, with the practice time length determined by me and the student. Parent: The parent is responsible for getting the student to the lesson on time and with all necessary materials. The parent should help the student organize his/her day to include the required practice time. Teacher: I will work with each student on goals that have been set by me and the student. These goals will vary from student to student. I will communicate at the lesson what is to be practiced. My ultimate goal is to nurture and inspire self confidence and self connection through music. Supplies: Students may be required to purchase songbooks or single songs often available on www.musicnotes.com. Students are responsible for owning or obtaining their own music/books for contests. Tuition: Your tuition pays for your reserved lesson time. Tuition is paid per term, and is due the week before the beginning of the term. If a tuition check is returned "NSF", the payment must be replaced with cash and any fees incurred. After two returned checks, tuition must be paid for in cash. Billing: Tuition reminders will be emailed the week before tuition is due. Tuition received after the due date will be assessed a $20 late fee. Tuition due dates will be clearly posted on my website. You may deliver your tuition payment in one of three ways: You can pay me personally via personal check, cash, or credit card; you can mail your tuition payment; or you can pay via Venmo @singyourstars. Tuition should be mailed to: Dawn Riesing, N74W36090 Thomas Drive, Oconomowoc, WI 53066. Missed Lessons: Enrolling in lessons is a purchase of my instruction and time. Since the time passes whether a student uses it or not, a lesson missed is time lost. There are no make-up lessons unless you have made prior arrangements with me before the missed lesson. I require 24 hours notice to make up a missed lesson! As a courtesy to me, please call, email or text me as soon as you know you will not be in attendance, even if it is after the 24 hour window. Each student's lesson time has been set aside and reserved for the entire teaching year. This is comparable to any school tuition. There are no refunds. Please remember that you can always opt to do an online lesson if there is bad weather, you cannot get a ride, etc... Exceptions: In the event of a family emergency, extended illness, family vacation, or participation in a show, if an opening becomes available during that same term, I will offer that time. Open times will be emailed at the beginning of the week or as they become available and will be filled on a first come/first serve bases. If the student is not able to make up the lesson during the term, no other times will be offered and the lesson will be forfeited. I take my own attendance seriously. If I miss a lesson a credit will be issued on the next term's tuition or a make up time will be offered. Summer Lessons: The summer lesson format is slightly different in that you do have a specified day and time set aside for your lesson, yet I understand that families plan vacations and students have camps and other obligations that make summers trickier to stick to a specific time every week. It is for this reason that I approach the summer session more like a package of 10 lessons. You are allowed to reschedule lessons with sufficient notice, and all 10 lessons must be taken before the end of the summer term, as they will be lost if not taken in the summer term time period. Online Lessons: I offer online lessons via FaceTime or Zoom. If you sign up for online lessons, I am able to be more flexible in my scheduling. Please give me at least 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule a lesson. Inclement Weather: In the event of inclement weather, I may move lessons for that day online. Lesson Termination: 30 days notice is required in the event of lesson termination by student. There are no refunds. In the event of irregular attendance, repeated failure to prepare assigned material, chronic late payment or disruptive/disrespectful behavior, the teacher may terminate lessons. Showcases, Festivals, and Contests: Participation in showcases and contests is optional. I have a studio showcase at the end of each term, dates will be posted on my website. The Wisconsin Federation of Music Clubs holds the Junior Festival (Contest) every February. The Wisconsin School Music Association's Festival (contest) is usually in March or April depending on your school district. Participation in WSMA is through your school district, however, I am happy to help you prepare for it. I am also happy to assist students in preparing for Honors Choir Auditions. Accompanists: Students may need to hire an accompanist for contests throughout the year. The student/parent is responsible for paying accompanist fees for rehearsals and performances in a timely manner. The student/parent is also responsible for setting up rehearsal times with the accompanist. I am happy to have the accompanist come to a lesson, but it is not my responsibility to schedule the rehearsal.
These policies protect the integrity and structure of this business. As in any educational service the most valuable resource are the clients and the patronage they provide. In order to provide the best service, these above policies must be enforced and adhered to in order to be fair to all my clients.